Accessibility Tools


It’s okay to speak up.


Have other concerns left unanswered?
Don’t hesistate to get in touch with us.

We Hear You

We strive to ensure people with disability are placed at the centre of all our decisions, and meaningfully participate in the design of your goals, services, and decisions about your lives. 

Understanding what we do well and where we need to improve will help us achieve this – together. We take feedback and complaints about our services, practices or products very seriously. We view complaints as a way to improve ourselves. If we don’t know something is wrong or isn’t working well, we can’t fix it.

We want you to feel confident to speak up and know that the information you share with us will be taken seriously, reviewed professionally and the appropriate actions taken as swiftly as possible. See our responsibility to speak up section below. Importantly, if you do speak up, we want to assure you that your privacy, rights and wellbeing will be respected and protected.

Different Ways to Speak Up:

    1. Contact a Solace Disability staff member or manager (verbally or in writing).
    2. Fill out our Feedback and Complaints Form

      Feedback and Complaints

      Fields marked with an * are required

      • Contact our team if you would like help completing a form or wish to provide feedback in a different way.
      • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
      • Disability Royal Commission

    NDIS Quality and safeguards commission


    NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

    The NDIS Commission is an Australian Government agency which protects the rights of people with disability who are receiving NDIS supports. You can contact the NDIS Commission if you want to report any concerns, complaints or incidents, including allegations of abuse and neglect of NDIS participants.

    To get in touch with the NDIS Commission

    Disability Royal Commission


    Disability Royal Commission

    The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability is an important opportunity for people with disability and those who support them to be heard, participate in improving the disability sector and ensure people with disability are afforded full and equal enjoyment of all human rights.

    Solace Disability will support people with disability and their families to contribute their unique insights and experiences to this important national conversation.

    If you wish to be involved or have any questions, please contact the team at Email: or Phone: 1800 848 000.

    To get in touch with the Disability Royal Comission directly:

    • Phone: 1800 517 199 (9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday AEDT excluding public holidays)
    • Email:
    • Mail: GPO Box 1422, Brisbane Qld 4001

    There are a range of supports available to make the Disability Royal Commission accessible to people with disability. This includes legal, financial, emotional and advocacy support.

    Feedback and Complaints Form

      We are here to support people at every stage
      of their journey, and we aim to provide
      the best possible service.

      We are always looking for people
      ho take a person-centred approach,
      and are
      passionate about supporting
      people to achieve their goals!

      We acknowledge Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities as the Traditional Custodians of the land. We recognise the strength and resilience of Aboriginal people and we pay our respect to Elders past, present and future. Solace Disability is committed to cultivating inclusive environments for all. We celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.

      © Solace Disability. All rights reserved.
      Built By Getmilk.